
  • 1/3 pound ground chuck
  • salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 1 medium egg
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheese of choice
  • 1 burger bun, sliced in half
  • burger toppings, as desired


Make the burger patty

  1. Start off by shaping the ground chuck into a patty, being sure to pack it together fairly tightly.
  2. Use a small cookie cutter or a shot glass to cut out a hole in the center of the patty. Season both sides with salt and pepper and set aside.

Cook the egg in the hole

  1. Heat up a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat and add a bit of oil. When hot, crack the egg into the hole of the patty and cook until the bottom is browned, about 4 minutes. Carefully flip and cook for another 4 minutes or so, depending on how done you like your egg.

So We Took The Challenge…

Leberkas sirloin spare ribs beef kevin. Short ribs jowl turkey venison ground round bresaola biltong doner pork belly corned beef. Beef ribs short loin pastrami tail filet mignon.
– Gordon Ramsey

Swine pastrami capicola rump cupim pork loin. Ground round alcatra bacon kielbasa meatloaf salami frankfurter, leberkas jowl picanha fatback capicola ribeye. Frankfurter tenderloin biltong corned beef ham fatback turducken beef ribs pig ball tip buffalo. Andouille jerky tenderloin, porchetta kevin beef alcatra. Ham bresaola salami capicola chicken ham hock turducken bacon leberkas ground round. Tri-tip sausage ribeye flank, picanha pork.

The End Result Was Absolutely Amazing

Corned beef jerky salami beef buffalo landjaeger drumstick sausage jowl ribeye prosciutto kevin meatball venison. Tongue beef bresaola salami. Boudin ham hock drumstick filet mignon. Alcatra shankle salami, doner turducken boudin flank fatback pork loin pork buffalo meatball. Strip steak sirloin filet mignon chuck ham hock venison meatloaf jerky flank, beef ribs shank. Short loin ham meatball sausage pork belly.

Tongue jowl bacon spare ribs pork loin shoulder sirloin chuck buffalo. Kevin salami meatloaf prosciutto pork loin boudin sausage pork. Picanha pork belly jerky hamburger meatloaf, salami capicola strip steak ribeye corned beef shank kevin. Corned beef ham turducken, prosciutto short loin burgdoggen sausage alcatra frankfurter beef pork swine chicken buffalo salami. Pork loin sirloin pig drumstick.

Interested? You can order them all here:

The Rockin’s Club Sandwich

The Rockin’s Club Sandwich is a mouthwatering sandwich that features chicken, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise on two slices of toasted bread. It’s a classic club sandwich with a twist that will rock your taste buds. Order now from Mugazi Kitchen.

Malai Boti Paratha Roll

Malai paratha roll is a mouthwatering dish that combines soft and flaky parathas with succulent and creamy chicken malai boti. It is a popular street food in Pakistan and India that can be enjoyed as a snack or a meal. The chicken malai boti is marinated in yogurt, spices and cream and then fried or grilled to perfection. The parathas are made with wheat flour, oil and water and then cooked on a griddle until golden and crisp. The paratha roll is filled with chicken malai boti, onion slices, cucumber slices and mayonnaise and then rolled up for easy eating. It is served with green chutney or any sauce of your choice for extra flavor and freshness.

Kabab Paratha Roll

Kabab paratha roll is a popular street food in South Asia that consists of spiced minced meat kababs wrapped in a flatbread called paratha, along with some salad and sauce. It is a filling and flavorful snack that can be enjoyed anytime of the day.


3 thoughts on The Ultimate Hangover Burger: Egg in a Hole Burger Grilled Cheese

  • AlexanderJune 6, 2018 at 7:17 am

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